Wood White Butterflies

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Wood White Butterfly

Scientific name:  Leptidea sinapis and Leptidea reali

Size:  Wingspan approx 42mm

Distribution:  Found in most parts of Northern Ireland, and a few parts of Wales and southern England

Months seen:  May to July.  Sometimes a second generation can be seen in July and August

Habitat:  Woodland rides and meadows

Food:  Nectar.  Nectar.  The caterpillars feed on bitter vetch, tufted vetch and bird's-foot trefoil

Special features:  The wood white is the smallest of the white butterflies.  The wings are almost oval in shape, and the body is short and thin.  The upper sides of the wing tips have a small black patch along the leading edge and at the tip of each forewing.  The hindwings have some pale grey markings which are visible on the upper and lower surfaces.  This butterfly rests with it's wings closed together and so the upper surfaces of the wings are only visible in flight.  The flight is weak and usually close to the ground.

The Wood White caterpillars are green, with a yellow stripe running down each side of the body.  They can be found from June to August.

There are two species found in the UK: the Wood White, and Real's Wood White, but to differentiate the two requires examination of the genitalia and DNA testing.

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