About UK Safari

Thanks for stopping by.  For some unknown reason this website has become quite popular.  It's enjoyed by wildlife watchers of all ages, and incredibly, it's even won awards... which should tell you something about the state of the Internet today.

What's it About

When we started UK Safari back in the last millennium we just wanted to help folks identify the sort of wildlife which could be found in these over-populated little islands.  Very little has changed.


In June of 2000 we started publishing a free e-newsletter.  That first issue went out to just 10 people.  Today thousands of people visit our "What's Out Now?" page online, and it's rumoured that some people even read it.


If there's one thing which has really helped the site to grow it's the generosity of the contributors who've sent in their photos or supplied information for the site.  Be sure to checkout their names on the contributors page.

If you'd like to contribute something there are details on how to do that here.

Getting Something Identified

Every year we receive thousands of emails from people asking us to identify the "thing" they've seen in their shed / pond / garden / home / belly button etc.  Usually they attach a photo of the mystery "thing" to their email.  Some are very good.  Most are distant blurry dots.  Identifications take a lot of time - sometimes hours.  For this reason we ask for a donation.  Without donations this website won't be around for much longer, so if you think this is an unreasonable request then please don't ask for an identification.

Making a Donation

It's free for you to view all the pages of UK Safari, but for us it involves a lot of time, energy and expense.  If you've found the UK Safari website useful, or you've had something identified, or you enjoy the "What's Out Now" section please consider sending us a few pennies.  Details here

Contact Us

We're always pleased to hear from visitors.  You can let us know what you think of the website (good or bad) or tell us about your own wildlife sightings.

All the e-mails are received by one person (Gary Bradley).  If you don't hear back straight away it's because he's been swamped by emails.  UK Safari gets thousands of visitors a day and he has to answer a huuuuuuuuuuuge number of questions from those visitors.  He's also not the brightest of humans so give him a few days to answer.

Email us at: uksafari @ yahoo.co.uk (remove the spaces).

Or you could write to us at the tent.  We're currently pitched at:
UK Safari, 3 Rue de la Foret, 57770 Moussey, France.

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