Wood Anemones

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Wood Anemones

Scientific name:  Anemone nemorosa

Size:  Can grow to a height of 25cm, but more usually 15cm

Distribution:  Found throughout the U.K.

Flowering Months:  March to May

Habitat:  Deciduous woodland

Special features:  For most of the year Wood Anemones are hidden from view.  They have no foliage, and look just like a lumpy root (known as a 'rhizome') in the soil.  Then at the end of February they burst into life, sending up deeply lobed leaves, and white flowers which continue blooming until May.

Wood Anemones are members of the buttercup family.  The flowers are a bit unusual, in that they have no petals, only sepals, which are white in colour.  These are known as primitive flowers.

The word 'anemone' is Greek and literally means 'Windflowers', which is another common name for this species.

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