Identify It > Butterflies Section > White Admiral Butterflies >
Scientific name: Limenitis camilla (formerly Ladoga camilla)
Size: Wingspan approx 60mm
Distribution: Found in the southern half of England
Months seen: June to September
Habitat: Woodland with plenty of rough undergrowth
Food: Nectar, frequently bramble. The caterpillars feed on honeysuckle
Special features: White Admiral butterflies can be seen flying gracefully through sunlit woodland. When they first emerge the butterflies are a rich velvety black colour, but after a while they become more of a dusty grey colour. Nectar from bramble flowers are a favourite food.
The eggs are laid on honeysuckle leaves. The caterpillars of the White Admiral are green with pairs of reddish-brown branched spines. They hibernate from autumn through to the following summer, when they pupate. After approximately two weeks the adult butterfly emerges.
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