Swallow Prominent Moths

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Swallow Prominent Moth

Scientific name:  Pheosia tremula

Size:  Wingspan up to 58mm

Distribution:  Found throughout the UK.

Months seen:  May to June, and again in August.  Larvae found from June to September

Habitat:  Gardens, parks and woodlands

Food:  Caterpillars feed on Poplars,Aspen and Willows

Special features:  Swallow Prominent Moths can be recognised by the white wedge on the trailing edge of the forewing which is long, narrow and greyish-white in colour.

There is a very similar species called the Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma).  The Lesser Swallow Prominent has a much more distinct white wedge at the trailing edge of the forewing (see photo).

The larvae of Swallow Prominent Moths come in two forms.  One is green and the other is brown.  Both have a raised, triangular bump at the tail end, and a yellow line along each side of the body.

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Swallow Prominent larva

Lesser Swallow Prominent Moth

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