Identify It > Butterflies Section > Small White Butterflies >
Scientific name: Pieris rapae
Size: Wingspan approximately 45mm
Distribution: Found throughout the UK
Months seen: April to October
Life span: Up to six weeks
Habitat: Meadows, hedgerows, gardens and wasteland
Food: Nectar. Also takes minerals from the soil. The caterpillars feed on brassicas, cabbage and garlic mustard
Special features: Sometimes called the 'cabbage white', the Small White is one of our commonest species of butterfly, found in most areas except the highlands of Scotland.
The caterpillars are bright green, covered with fine hairs, and finely speckled with tiny black dots.
Just like the Large White, the Small White hibernates as a chrysalis, and so the first adults emerge in late March when the weather starts to become warmer.
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