Silver-washed Fritillaries

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female Silver-washed Fritillary

Scientific name:  Argynnis paphia

Size:  Wingspan approximately 70mms

Distribution:  Found in England south of the Mersey, in central and southern Wales and throughout Northern Ireland.

Months seen: July to September

Food:  Nectar.  The caterpillars feed on violets

Habitat:  Woodlands and hedgerows

Special features:  The Silver Washed Fritillary is the largest Fritillary found in the U.K.  The male has some distinctive H-shaped wing bars on the upper surface of the orange coloured forewings.  These contain scent scales (butterfly after shave), and during courtship he flaps his wings to waft the scent over the female.

Both the males and females have a pearlescent silver colour to the undersides of the wings - hence the name.

The caterpillars are black with fine yellow lines running along the full length of the body.  Each body segment has a series of reddish-brown spines which are covered in tiny hairs.

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male Silver-washed Fritillary

Silver-washed Fritillary showing silver coloured wing undersides

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