Identify It > Bird Section > Birds of Prey Section > Kestrels >
Scientific name: Falco tinnunculus
Size: Approx 35cm. Wingspan around 75cm
Distribution: Found throughout the UK
Months seen: All year round
Habitat: Frequently seen hovering over motorway verges and fields
Food: Mostly mice, voles and insects. Although they eat every part of their prey, soon afterwards they regurgitate all the fur, and hard bony parts in the form of a pellet. You can sometimes find piles of these pellets beneath their nests or perching posts
Special features: Kestrels are our most common falcon. It would be difficult to take a journey on a UK motorway without spotting one hovering above the verges searching for prey.
Kestrels are equipped with excellent eyesight which allow them to spot a potential meal, from a great height while hovering.
Kestrel plumage is light brown at the front with dark speckles, and dark brown at the back with black speckles. The head of the male is a blue-grey colour.
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