Identify It > Spiders Section > Common Crab Spiders >
Scientific name: Xysticus cristatus
Size: The female grows to a length of around 8mm and the male is a little smaller growing to around 5mm
Distribution: Common throughout the UK
Months seen: March to August
Habitat: Low growing vegetation - often on the ground
Food: Invertebrates
Special features: As the name suggests, Common Crab spiders sometimes move in a crab-like way, from side to side. The longer pairs of front legs are also reminiscent of crabs.
These spiders catch their prey by jumping on unsuspecting victims. Among the photos here you can see one which has caught a hoverfly, much larger than the spider itself. The spider has managed to pounce on the fly and sink her fangs into the insect and inject it with her paralysing poison.
The male common crab spider has an unusual method of mating with the female. First he grabs hold of one of her legs, and waits until she stops struggling. He then ties her down to the ground with threads of silk. Finally he crawls underneath her to mate.
Common crab spiders have reasonably good eyesight, and because of the position of their eyes, they can almost see things behind themselves.
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