Box Tree Moths

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Box Moth

Scientific name:  Cydalima perspectalis

Size:  Wingspan approximately 45mm

Distribution:  First arrived in 2007.  Now found in many counties of England and spreading in Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland

Months seen:  Moths and larvae from April to October

Habitat:  Gardens and garden centres

Food:  Box plants (Buxus)

Special features:  Box Tree Moths have white wings with a broad iridescent brown border.  There is also a variety where the wings are all iridescent brown, although these are less frequently found.

Box Tree Moths originated in east Asia but since arriving in Germany in 2006 they have spread rapidly through Europe, the UK and beyond.  They've settled in the UK quite quickly and their caterpillars can now be found devouring Box Trees in most counties of England.

The caterpillars have a black head with a series of green, yellow black and white stripes running along the length of their bodies.  There are also two rows of black spots on each side of the body and a series of short white hairs.

Box Tree Moth caterpillars can cause considerable damage to box plants, and they reproduce rapidly, having up to four broods in a single year.

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