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Scientific name:  Turdus merula

Size:  Approx 28cm long

Distribution:  Found throughout the UK

Months seen:  All year round

Life Span: Normally 3 to 5 years

Habitat:  Woods, parks, gardens and open countryside

Food:  Worms, insects, fruit and berries

Special features:  The male Blackbird has all black plumage, a yellow beak, and a narrow yellow ring around the eye.  The female has dark brown coloured plumage, and a darker coloured beak. Young male blackbirds also have darker coloured beaks in their first year, and while most of the plumage is black, their wings are brown and they have dark brown spots on their breast.

Albino and semi-albino blackbirds also occur.  Some birds have a few white feathers, while some blackbirds are totally white.

Although most blackbirds remain in the UK all year, every autumn large numbers fly in from Northern Europe to swell the resident population.

Blackbirds pair up in February, and as soon as the bushes begin greening up with foliage, nest building starts.  The nest is made from grass and mud, and can be built in a hedge, bush or tree.  Between three and six eggs are laid, which are greeny-blue with light brown speckles.

male blackbird feeding fledgling chicks

The eggs hatch within two weeks, and within a further two weeks the baby birds have left the nest.  They remain on the ground, close to the nest site, and the parents continue to feed them until they are able to fly.  At this time the baby birds are most vulnerable to predators such as domestic cats and foxes.

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